Research on Data Acquisition Technique for Induced Current Electrical Impedance Tomography 感应电流电阻抗断层成像的数据采集技术
Discussions on Induced Emf and Induced Current in an Open Conducting Loop 关子非闭合回路中的感应电动势和感应电流的几点讨论
Numerical calculation of plane ground influence on induced current on cable by EMP 大地对电磁脉冲感应的电缆电流影响的数值计算
Simulation Study on Induced Current Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography of Brain Tissues 头部组织感应电流磁共振电阻抗成像仿真研究
Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography for Human Head Conductivity Distribution Measurement; Research on Data Acquisition Technique for Induced Current Electrical Impedance Tomography 基于磁共振成像系统的头部三维电阻抗成像技术研究感应电流电阻抗断层成像的数据采集技术
The law which goes by his name is a useful rule for predicting the direction of an induced current. 这条用他的名字命名的定律,是判断感生电流方向的极有用的定则。
Full-Wave Analysis of the EMP Cortically Induced Current in Cables Near the Ground 电磁脉冲作用下近地电缆外皮感应电流的全波分析
What will be disturbed by the magnetic field generated by induced current? 感应电流的磁场在阻碍什么的变化?
This is a combination of micro-current and induced current, both currents have a strong effect of beauty. 这是一种组合微电流和感应电流,这两种电流有很强的美容功效。
What due to wrong connection of the grounding lead circuit of core and clamping pieces, and outside electromagnetic field caused an induced current in the autoeciousness circuit is analyzed, and the closed loop problem that should be adverted in engineering constructing is also presented. 对由于铁芯与夹件接地引出回路接线错误由此因外界电磁场在寄生回路上产生的感应电流进行了分析,提出了工程施工中应注意闭合回路问题。
In this paper, the response of antennas on a submarine to nuclear electromagnetic pulse is analyzed, and the induced current in antennas and energy collected by antennas are calculated, which are very important to the protection systems design. 针对潜艇天线所处的不同状态,分析了天线对核电磁脉冲的响应,计算了天线中的感应电流强度和天线收集的能量数值,为防护措施的开展提供了依据。
Weak magnetic field the induced current of the steel specimens is proportional to initial permeability. 并证实了在断开磁路下的交流弱磁场中,感应电流与钢铁试样的μ0成正比。
Through analyzing the working principle of eddy geophone, seven parameter model of frequency response function was derived, where the influence of electromagnetic induction of geophone shell on induced current of fixed coil was considered. 笔者分析了涡流检波器的工作原理:综合考虑了检波器磁路系统中,外壳、磁靴等部件的电磁感应对固定线圈感应电流的影响;建立了七参数的动力学模型。
Effect of ground induced current on power grid equipment and its tackling 地磁感应电流对电网设备的影响与治理方法
The paper discusses the magnetic coupling effects on a communication line from a crossing power line, and gives the mutual inductance between crossing lines. The corresponding formulae for calculating induced voltage and induced current are derived. 讨论了交叉跨越时强电线对通信线的磁耦合影响,给出了交叉跨越情况下强电线与通信线的互感系数公式,导出了相应的感应电压与感应电流的计算公式。
The paper reviewed the development of the induced current electrical impedance tomography system, and the importance of this study was pointed out. 本文回顾了感应电流电阻抗成像技术的发展历史及现状,指出了其研究意义。
The induced current method with which samples can be exchanged is described in this paper. 本文介绍了能方便更换样品的感应电流法。
In this paper, computational code MFCG ⅲ of the explosive magnetic field compression generator ( MFCG) are developed based on the analytic formulas of magnetic field, stream function and induced current for the process of charge and compression. 根据磁场、流函数和感应电流的解析公式,研制了间接馈电爆磁压缩发生器充电和爆磁压缩过程计算程序MFCGⅢ。
This method is propitious for the analysis of all kinds of cortically induced current. 该方法适合分析各种电缆的外皮感应电流。
A good correlation can be seen from the distribution of magnetic flux density in the location of the human body and the distribution of induced current density. 在计算结果中,对比了人所处位置的磁感应强度和人体内的感应电流密度的分布情况。
Not only the transmission line current but also aerial current is considered in the calculation of induced current. 在计算外皮感应电流时,既考虑了传输线模式电流,也考虑了天线电流。
The effects of neomycin on the acetylcholine ( ACh) induced current ( I ACh) were studied in pheochromocytoma ( PC12) cells by using the whole cell clamp technique. 本研究采用全细胞膜片钳技术,以大鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤细胞(PC12)为标本,观察了新霉素对乙酰胆碱诱发电流(IACh)的影响。
The equivalent time constants are derived from the decay characteristics of the induced current. The resistance and inductance can be given by calculating the eddy current loss and magnetic energy in the passive feedback coils. 等效时间常数可以从感应电流自然衰减特性得到,电阻和电感则通过计算被动反馈线圈中涡流损耗和磁场能量中求得。
Magnetic storm may induce Geomagnetic Induced Current in the power grids. 磁暴会导致大电网中产生地磁感应电流(Geomagneticinducedcurrent,简称GIC)。
The question of earthing switch ( ES) switching induced current was present in this paper, the feature of static and electromagnetism induction of common-tower double-circuit lines was also present. 对接地开关开合感应电流的问题,同杆双回线路电磁感应和静电感应的特点,以及我国接地开关开合感应电流的应用现状和国内产品情况进行了介绍。
Grounding problems have been explored, the induced current of the main ground grid of the shell and bottom of H-GIS device under high-current has been calculated, the choice method of cross-section is given. 本文对接地问题进行探讨,对大电流下H-GIS设备外壳及其下方主接地网中的感应电流做计算分析,并给出了H-GIS下方接地网截面选择的方法。
This paper focuses on the research of novel basis function based on integral equation method, which aims at simplified description of the induced current. 本文主要研究了基于积分方程方法的新型基函数,其目的在于简化感应电流的描述方式。
The model of induced current disturbed by the central crack is established based on the critical state theory. 利用临界态理论建立了中心裂纹对超导体内感应电流的扰动模型。
Secondly, the relationship between the RF field on the shield layer of the CAN bus and the induced current at the core line is studied. The minimum frequency of induced current which results in the failure of CAN bus communication is determined. 其次,研究了CAN总线屏蔽层表面射频场与芯线上感应电流间的关系,得到了使CAN接口电路失效的最小芯线电流及对应的频率。